We have an exciting addition to our service to share with you. Our SPX Daily Outlook will now include information on the SPY as well as the SPX. SPX Option Trader

Recently the CBOE began trading Wednesday expiration on SPY weekly options. SPY is the ETF tracking stock for the SPX. Our focus has always been SPX weekly options, those are the options we prefer to trade for a number of reasons. However, SPX options are more expensive, and so at times many traders may wish to trade the less expensive SPY. For a comparison of the differences between SPX and SPY options click here. In seeking to provide you with the best resources in your trading, we are going to add a section to our SPX Daily Outlook that provides price targets and market strategy for the SPY starting on 10/24/2016. This will in no way effect our SPX trades, it is simply a way to share extra information for those who are wanting to trade the SPY.

We’ve been trading these SPY Options with good results. In fact, most days the % returns are within about 10% one way or the other of our SPX option trading results for that day. So now we are ready to begin sharing this trading strategy with all of our subscribers. We are going to be sharing our SPY performance on the website, as we do our SPX. There will clearly be some differences in return. But overall this is a good opportunity for those who are looking for cheaper and more liquid options. Some may want to trade both as we are doing, or trade one or the other. We continually strive to provide you the best service possible, and we believe this addition of the SPY information will be of great benefit to many of our subscribers.

As there are currently no Monday expiration on the SPY, there most often will be no Monday trades for the SPY. This addition to our service does not change our focus on the SPX, it simply provides another way for traders to use the same information in their trading. If you have any questions please let us know.