It was a back-and-forth week for us at SPX Option Trader.   We ended this past week with -16% ROI in our SPX weekly option trading, -17% ROI in our SPY weekly option trading and -4% ROM in our SPX Spread Trader.  Once again, we saw the need to stay consistent in our trading. We had a few small losses at the beginning of the week, with a nice win at the end. If a trader changed course or gave up before Friday, their results would have been very different. Being a successful day trader not only requires one to have a successful long term trading strategy, but the discipline to stay with it. We’ve been doing this a long time, and we’ve weathered many drawdowns and dry periods. As we use the information in the SPX Daily Outlook and stay consistent, we are successful. We look forward to another exciting week ahead day trading SPX and SPY weekly options. Below are our comments for each trading day of this week:

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